“Say Ahhh~” A trio of sapphic stories of erotic feeding and gaining


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Indulge in the sensual thrill of lesbian romance and sapphic feederism. This collection contains three stories sure to delight you and sate your deep cravings for femmes, food, and fat. Each one written by the mistress of ‘more more more!’, Miss Indulgence.

Pregnant And Pining In The Time Of Fullness And Fat is a period story set in the late 1950’s, following Nancy, a young mother to be in her move from the big city hustle of California to the home of southern hospitality in North Carolina. As Nancy feels her life and marriage falling apart around her, a club of like-minded independent women decide to take her in and treat her right, letting her indulge in all the southern ‘stick to your ribs’ cooking she can eat.

Dating A Chef Becomes Deliciously Darling is a classic story of a plus-sized woman being wined and dined by a chef. Dumped and rejected by every man she’s known, middle-aged Adeline opens herself to new possibilities when she accepts the offer of a lunch date from chef Sofia, the female owner of a few of her favorite restaurants. Follow Adeline as she slowly learns to love herself and her body, as Sofia encourages her eat with passion.

Plumped Up Beyond Immobility With Fattening Lipstick is a magical realism short that’s about…well…it’s all in the title. Maggie never thought much about all her plus-sized girlfriend Valerie’s pillow talk about wanting to fatten her up, but when Valerie kisses her while wearing seemingly magical lipstick that causes her to balloon up, all that pillow talk becomes all too real!


These stories contain, but aren’t limited to, the following kinks:

  • Soft Lesbianism
  • Weight Gain
  • Feeding
  • Stuffing
  • Immobility





"Say Ahhh~" A tri...
Published: February 6th, 2024
Author: Miss Indulgence

Excerpt from "Dating A Chef Is Deliciously Darling":

“Here’s where your sad life has led you, Addy,” she said quietly to herself, making her way to the entrance, “A fat, old, retired multiple divorcee…come to eat away her feelings”. The sad thought made her hesitate at the front door a moment, but the inviting smell of coffee and cheesecake beckoned her inside.


Adeline was seated, ordered herself an espresso with rum and Bailey’s irish cream, then stepped up to the buffet to eat her fill: four slices of rich, decadent cheesecake of different varieties, a large chocolate parfait, two slices of blueberry pie a la mode, and finally a plate full of different fresh baked cookies.


It was later in the evening on a weekday. Adeline was thankful that the buffet was mostly empty: fewer people to watch her shamefully make a pig of herself. The only people who caught her eye were her server, a young dark skinned woman in her late teens, and a tanned rubenesque woman in chef’s whites, changing out the desserts at the buffet.


Adeline sat back down with her desserts and began to stuff herself. Her first bite of cheesecake made her pause. It was delicious! It was rich and creamy, with just the right amount of sweetness to let the richness of the creamcheese shine through. Its graham cracker crust was buttery, with the perfect honey-sweet warmth to it. She’d gobbled up the whole slice before she knew it, and started on a second one.


“Oh fuck~” she gasped, a hand over her mouth. She let out a pleasurable moan at the flavor. The second slice was even better! It was the best cheesecake she’d ever tasted! Just as quickly as the first, she devoured the second slice, savoring every moment of it. Then came the pie and ice cream. It was still warm, its crust was so flaky, with a savory note she couldn’t quite place at first. It reminded her of her childhood in the early 80’s…lard! The pie crust had been made with lard; a true rarity nowadays.


Adeline ate through her plates of dessert, one after another after another. She was starting to feel full, but her eyes and her tastebuds were far bigger than her stomach. If everything was this good, she had to try the other desserts. Draining her boozy coffee and ordering another, she got up and waddled her way up for another round.


Adeline’s stuffing was just beginning.




Four trips to the buffet later, Adeline threw in the towel.


She’d eaten the equivalent of an entire cheesecake and an entire pie, as well as a couple pints of ice cream. Her stomach felt swollen and distended, but the discomfort wouldn’t truly hit her until much later that night. All the rum and Bailey’s she drank had left her rosy cheeked and tipsy, taking the edge off of her fullness. She waved her teenage server down for the bill.


A moment later, someone else was at her table.


The olive-skinned woman she’d seen before, a pristine chef’s coat holding her ample bust in check. She had graying amber colored hair, held up in a beehive hairdo. She gave Adeline a warm smile, and placed a hefty slice of chocolate cake in front of her.


Adeline blushed, “Oh, um, I was just looking to get the check,” she said.


“Oh I figured,” the woman smiled wider, “I have it right here for you. This,” she gestured to the rich looking chocolate cake, “is compliments of the chef. A parting treat for someone who seems to love my desserts so much”


The woman’s voice was warm and rich, like molasses. It had a trace of an accent that Adeline couldn’t place, giving her an exotic countenance. Adeline grew pink in the cheeks, “Oh! You’re the chef? My goodness, I…” she felt her mouth dry up, suddenly embarrassed, “...I’m sorry for making such a pig of myself”


“Nonsense,” the chef replied, “There’s no higher compliment a chef can receive than to see someone so thoroughly enjoy their food. I work hard on making these desserts as tantalizing as possible, and I adore a woman with an appetite. You’re a rare and wonderful breed, miss…”


“Adeline” Adeline replied, “And your name?” she asked. She felt herself beginning to smile bashfully at the woman. They looked to be similar in age, though it was hard to tell with the chef’s robust figure. She’d never encountered another woman so…ample before.


“I’m Sofia” she replied, “It’s wonderful to meet you, Adeline. I hope you enjoy my cake” she gestured to the slice of chocolate cake.


Adeline licked her lips. “Ohh, I’m already so full, but chocolate cake is my favorite,” she said hesitantly, a hand on her overstuffed belly. Not wanting to be rude, Adeline picked up her fork and took a bite.


In that moment, time seemed to stand still. Adeline felt her face flush, all her blood coursing deeper into her body, as she tingled with pleasure. Her soft lips fell open, just wide enough to let out a sensual moan. Before she could stop herself, her fork went in for another mouthful, sliding it into her open mouth. The fudgy chocolate lingering on her tongue, its thick dark frosting coating it over, enveloping it like a silk blanket.


“Ohhh~ It’s…so good!” Adeline moaned. All her insecurities and bashfulness fell away in that moment, and she wolfed down the rest of the slice until her lips were painted with frosting and crumbs.


The whole while, Sofia watched with amusement. She bit her lip and smiled, “No need to speak, señora. Your expression says you enjoyed it” she said, seeming to relish Adeline’s reaction. Adeline nodded, still swallowing the last of it.


Sofia fished out a small business card from her chef’s whites and placed it on the table with Adeline’s check. “I do hope you frequent my establishment again, Adeline. In fact, I think you would quite enjoy my other restaurants as well. You strike me as a woman of taste. Perhaps coffee and pastries at my cafe?”


“Oh, that sounds…” Adeline began, too stuffed from the night’s worth of desserts to really process what she was being offered, “...wonderful”


Sofia grinned, “Very good. How does this Saturday sound? My number’s on the card” she said, parting from her and stepping towards the kitchens. Adeline couldn’t help but watch her go; watching the pendulum sway of her wide hips until she left the room.


Snapping out of it, she checked the business card.


On its front it read ‘Sofia Molina de Gorda, Restaurateur’ as well as the addresses for not one, but three restaurant locations. One looked to be a cafe not far away from Adeline’s apartment.


She flipped the card over to reveal Sofia had written down her personal cell number on the back.


It dawned on Adeline after she’d paid her bill and was waddling back to her car, that she’d just agreed to a date…with a woman!